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Fore the Mind: Elevate Your Game with Positive Self-Talk

Writer's picture: Greg SalazarGreg Salazar

Updated: 5 days ago

Negative self-talk is a huge disadvantage to playing your best golf. If you call yourself names after a poor shot, such as “you idiot”, “why are you so stupid”, or call yourself names like “donkey” – or some other expletives I can’t say here - you will certainly be an “idiot” or “stupid” or a “donkey” on the next shot. This behaviour just compounds itself and now you are out of control.

Poor body language is another obstacle to your success - such as walking with your head down, slumped shoulders, no smile on your face. These things bring you down and keep you down if you continue to be negative during the game, and in life.

Control the things you can control such as self-talk and anger, body language and thoughts, and you will be a better person - a better golfer, and you will have a great time. You will also be the guy or gal that everyone wants to play with. If you are that other person, your friends will avoid playing with you or just not be impressed with you. If you are trying to gain a new client or get to know the boss or an employee, after a round of golf you will know exactly the kind of person you are playing with, heck you may even know after just a few holes.

You can learn a lot about a person after spending 4 to 4 1/2 hours with them on the golf course.

You quickly learn if they cheat, if they are self-destructive, self-confident, if they are fun to be with or boring.

Negative self-talk and negative behaviour will rub off on your playing partners and rub them the wrong way.

If a person cheats at golf they likely cheat at other things in life as well. If they are abusive to themselves, they are likely abusive to others. If they are kind and respectful of the game and others, they are likely a respectful person in life as well.

Here are some phrases you could try in your next game to improve your self-talk:

  • Well, that was a bad shot, but it could have been worse

  • That’s not the worst shot I’ve ever hit, but it’s not as bad as it looks

  • Putts that don’t make it to the hole, have no chance of getting in, so let’s focus on the next one getting to the hole

  • For the next shot say.... this is going to be my best shot of the day!

  • Wow, did you see where that went?

  • I got this

  • I am in control

  • Trust my swing

Reinforcement statements:

  • After a good shot... celebrate your success!

  • That was an amazing drive, putt, chip, or bunker shot...

  • Wow- look how close I got my putt...

  • It wasn’t pretty but it’s the result that counts!

  • Be proud of yourself, celebrate the good shots - and understand that the bad shots can be improved – give a small fist pump or a thumbs up to say you did well

  • Say I did that well

  • If I keep this up - I’m going to get better

Acknowledge that you’re not going to make every putt or drive or shot perfectly

  • Positive body language

  • Walk with your head up

  • Shoulders back, chest up

  • Laugh, smile

  • Walk with confidence to the next shot

  • Give a thumbs up to fellow players to encourage them as well

  • Enjoy the walk

For more ideas and ways to control your actions and improve your overall game, contact me and book an appointment.

To your best golf!

Greg Salazar

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